Friday, February 17, 2012

We love to measure!

In Math, we are learning about measurement. We learned that we can measure with lots of different tools, like cubes that connect together that we call Unifix Cubes. We went around our classroom to measure different items and then drew them into boxes on a piece of paper with how many cubes long they were. We had lots of fun with this!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our erupting volcanoes!

Every Thursday we have a block of time for a Science experiment. This Thursday we had fun making erupting mini volcanoes! At our tables we had shallow bins with baking soda in it. In cups we mixed vinegar and food coloring. With droppers, we dropped the vinegar and food coloring mixture. When the mixture got to the baking soda, it fizzed and ate away at the soda to make it look like mini volcanoes! We had a blast!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy (belated) Groundhog Day! I apologize for being a slacker on the blogging department. It actually was due to the fact that I was having a hard time uploading pictures and it kept telling me I had an error. I finally figured out that if I upload them each separately it works. So far, the problem is solved! I will post again soon!

We made a groundhog scene for our groundhog to come out of his burrow in the snow to see if he saw his shadow or not!
We read stories about groundhogs.
We did some shadow play to understand why shadows are made.
We predicted whether Phil would see his shadow or not and then graphed them.